Welcome Friends!

Welcome to Mama Extra. I'm a mama and I'm a bit extra. Good or bad, pretty or ugly, I'm here for it all and I am ready to share. 

I want this to be a community, and as much as that term is loosely thrown around these days, it's my main goal here. 

I tackle a lot in my day. I know you do too. So let's try and tackle it together. 

Share tips on how you wrangle the little ones into bed every night...

Give advice on how to keep breastfeeding when it seems like your nipples are about to fall off...

Give ideas on how to throw a killer kid's birthday party without killing my budget...

Let's create and stick to a budget, what are you using that works...

Gosh, I can't get this winged liner right, what's a good youtube video for that...

Speaking of youtube, where can we find good inspirational youtuber mamas...

Decorating for the next holiday? Yep, let's do this...

Share that secret (it's the internet, your secret is safe! HA!) recipe for that work get together...

and so on and so forth! You get the picture!

There's so much extra in our days. Sometimes I am accused of being a little to "extra" with all the extras in my life, but I own that sh*t! If it makes me happy doing the little or sometimes, no-so-little extras to make my life and my family's a little better, what harm is there? Except maybe my bank account at times. Yes, I am one to get a bit wrapped up in making life in general a little to special. But sometimes we have to do what makes our hearts yodel a little, Dave Ramsey Every Dollar app be damned. 

Let's be extra ladies (and gents, if you're here!) and let's just own that extra!
